第 287 课:信息需要自由-5

Chairman Genachowski says a "free and open Internet" must be safeguarded. Genachowski 主席说,“自由与公开的网络”必须受到保护。

But providers say they sometimes have to block sites to prevent abuse. 但是,提供商说,他们有时必须屏蔽网站,以防止滥用。

And a big wireless carrier, AT&T, calls extending the net neutrality policy "a risky experiment" with American investment in high-speed Internet. 另外,大型无线运营商 AT&T 声称扩展网络中立政策是用美国高速网络投资进行“风险实验”。

There is also debate about the desire of some Internet providers to offer special treatment to sites willing to pay for it. 另外,也有某些网络提供商向愿意付钱网站提供特殊待遇的想法的争议。

That goes against the custom of treating all sites neutrally. 这有悖于所有网站中立对待的惯例。