第 288 课:福特基金会-1

The Ford Foudation in the United States is a charitable organization that calls itself"a partner for social change. 在美国福特基金会是一个自称为社会变化的合作者的慈善组织。

"It has a study program currently available to colleage graduates in twenty-two countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. 他现有一个针对于包括亚洲 , 非洲和拉丁美洲 21 个国家的大学生的学习项目。

The Ford foundation International Fellowships program offers graduates a chance to continue their studies. 福特基金会国际奖学金项目为毕业生提供一个继续他们的学习的机会。

The aim is to help them learn ways to solve problems in their own countries. 目标是帮助他们学习解决自己国家的问题的方法。

Joan Dassin is the executive director of the program. 琼 . 戴森使这个项目的执行董事。