第 289 课:Hit 是个小词-5

To build something of wood, you usually need a hammer. 用木头做东西,你通常会需要锤子。

That is what you use to hit nails into the pieces of wood to hold them together. 那是用来钉钉子,把木头固定到一起。

When you hit the nail on the head , exactly on its top, it goes into the wood perfectly. 当你把钉子正好钉在它的上面时,它就恰好钉进木头里。

And when someone says your words or actions hit the nail on the head, he means what you said or did was exactly right. 如果某人说你的言谈或举止 hit the nail on the head ,他的意思是你所说或所做的事完全正确。

If you are tired after hitting all those nails on the head, then it is time to hit the hay. 如果钉钉子累了,那就到睡觉的时间了。