This means that the highest temperature should not be reached too fast. 这意味着不应该太快地达到最高温度。
You can add materials to clay to gain desired results. 你可以通过添加一些材料来取得理想的效果。
For example, you can add sand to prevent tiny breaks or lines from forming in the finished product. 例如,你可以添加沙粒以防成品出现细微的变形和条纹。
But you should not use sand from the coasts of oceans. 但是你不应该使用海岸的沙粒。
Instead, you should use sand from rivers or from other areas of land that are not near the sea. 取而代之的是使用江河和其他内陆上的沙粒,并非靠近海洋的沙粒。