第 293 课:辉瑞制药-5

Yet this is not the company's first corporate integrity agreement with the government. 但是,这并非是辉瑞制药与美国政府之间的第一个公司诚信协定。

Pfizer has now been fined for illegal marketing four times since two thousand two. 辉瑞制药自 2002 年以来已经因非法营销罚款四次。

Prescription drugs represent only about one-tenth of all health care spending in the United States. 处方药仅仅占美国所有保健开支的大约 1/10 。

But fast-growing demand and prices have made them part of the debate over health reform. 但是,快速需求及价格已经使处方药成为保健改革的争议之一。