第 294 课:46个染色体-1

Human genes are normally organized along forty-six chromosomes in our cells, twenty-three from each parent.

But some people are born with an extra copy of the twenty-first chromosome. 但是,有些人在出生时就带有第21对染色体的一份多余复制体。

This third copy is a result of a mistake in cell division. 这第三个复制体是细胞分裂错误的结果。

The name for this condition is Down syndrome. 这一状况被命名为唐氏综合症。

A British doctor named John Langdon Down first described it in the eighteen sixties. 一位名为约翰.兰格.唐的英国医生在18世纪60年代首次描述这一状况。