第 298 课:美国教科书-6

Roger Von Holzen heads the Center for Information Technology in Education at Northwest Missouri State. Roger Von Holzen领导着位于密苏里州西北的教育用科技信息中心。

He tells us that administrators are disappointed with the e-textbooks now available because the majority are not interactive. 他告诉我们,管理层对于目前的电子教科书感到失望,因为大部分都没有互动的。

He thinks growth will come when more digital books include video, activities, games and other ways to interact with the information. 他认为,当电子书涵括了录影带,教育活动和竞赛和其他能与信息互动的方式时,进一步发展才会实现。

The technology is improving. But for now, most of the books are just words on a screen. 科技正在发展。但是大部分的(电子)书还只是屏幕上放字而已。