第 299 课:关于中风-2

But ischemic strokes are more common, and doctors may be able to treat them. 但是,缺血性中风更常见的,而且医生可以有办法治疗它们。

A drug called tPA can break up blood clots. 有一个称之为组织纤维蛋白溶酶原激活剂 (tPA) 的药物能够降解血凝块。

But traditional guidelines say not to use tPA if more than three hours have passed after the first signs of a stroke. 但传统的指导方针说,如果中风后的第一个迹象过去超过 3 个小时了 , 就不使用这一药物。

There is a risk that giving a patient a strong blood thinner during a stroke can cause bleeding inside the brain. 有一个风险,就是给病人强有力的血液稀释剂会导致大脑内部出血。

The longer the wait, experts say, the more likely that the risks of treatment will outweigh the benefits. 专家说,等待 tPA 的时间越长,治疗的风险将越大于益处。