第 3 课:地方眼科中心-2

The Rotary Eye Institute of Navsari has restored or improved the eyesight of thousands of patients. 但 Navsari 研究所已经使成百上千的眼病患者的视力得到恢复或提高。

Many people with eye problems cannot easily get to a big city for examinations and treatment. 许多眼病患者要去大城市接受检查和治疗实非易事。

They live in villages far away and have no transportation. 其中部分原因是因为他们住在偏远的山村并且交通很不发达。

The Rotary Eye Institute established eye centers called camps in places far from the city. 扶轮眼科研究所建立的眼科中心叫寨,它们远离城市。

Teams from the institute travel as far as one hundred fifty kilometers to see patients. 这个研究所的队员为了给病人看病要到远在1050公里的地方去。