第 3 课:地方眼科中心-4

Doctors also examine them for other medical conditions. 医生同时会为他们提供其他医学条件进行检查。

Rotary groups also operate eye banks. 扶轮社团还设有眼科银行。

Doctors at these centers replace damaged eyes with the healthy eyes of donors who have just died. 在眼科中心的医生们可以用健康的眼睛移植到坏死的眼睛上,这些健康的眼睛是那些刚死的眼睛捐献者的。

One such center is the Rotary Rajan Eye Bank. Rotary Rajan Eye Bank就是这样一个中心。

It operates in cooperation with the Rajan Eye Care Hospital in Chennai. 它是和在钦奈的Rajan Eye Care Hospital 合作开设的。

The Eye Bank opened in nineteen ninety-six. 它建立于1996年。