第 300 课:声音障碍-3

Doctor Richard Rosenfeld helped develop the guidelines. Richard Rosenfeld医生帮助来阐述这些指导方针。

He says there are some situations where people should get examined sooner rather than later. 他说有些状况下,人们应该去做检查,且宜早不宜晚。

The same is true if hoarseness begins after an accident or injury. 道理也是同样的,如果嘶哑是在意外事故或者伤害后发生。

Or if you are also losing weight for no reason. 或者你不明缘由地体重减轻。

Or if you are trying to rest your voice but it keeps getting worse. 或者当你努力修养嗓子但它却持续变糟。