第 301 课:含铅的油漆-3

The United States has restricted lead content in paint since nineteen seventy-eight. 美国自1978年以来限制油漆中含铅量。

Until this past month, the safety standard for consumer paints was six hundred parts per million. 直到过去1个月,消费者油漆的安全标准是600ppm。

But the Consumer Product Safety Commission has just lowered the limit to ninety parts per million. 但是消费者安全产品委员会将其降低限制到90ppm。

The new study appears in the journal Environmental Research. 新的研究发表于环境研究杂志。

The team found levels of lead as high as thirty-two thousand parts per million in tests on some paint samples from Ecuador. 这个组织发现,测试来自于Ecuador的一些油漆样本中,含铅量高达32,000ppm。