第 302 课:新失业人数-4

The Fed established new lending programs, and approved large purchases of government securities and mortgage-related securities. 美联储制定了新的放款计划,并且批准了大量采购政府证券及抵押相关的证券。

But the president's decision to renominate Ben Bernanke for Senate confirmation is considered a safe one. 尽管再次提名本 . 贝南克的总统决定还有待参议院确认,但却是一个安全的举措。

In his second term, he will have to consider how and when to withdraw heavy intervention in the financial industry and raise interest rates. 在第二任期内,他必须考虑如何与何时取消金融业的重重干预及升息。

The Fed has reduced short-term rates to almost zero. 美联储已经将短期利率几乎下降为 0 。

Heavy government spending could cause inflation unless officials find just the right time to act. 政府大幅开支会造成通货膨胀,除非政府官员在适当的时机采取行动。