第 303 课:美丽的植物-1

Just because a plant looks nice does not mean you should eat it. 不要仅仅因为一种植物看起来漂亮你就觉得可以食用它。

Farmers learn this lesson tragically sometimes when their animals feed on wild plants. 很多农场主不幸得到这类教训常常是在他们的牲畜食用了某些野生植物时。

In fact, some of the nicest looking plants in the world are best enjoyed from a distance. 事实上,世界上一些看起来极为美丽的植物(你)最好只是远观。

The plant is also beautiful. It has flowers like stars and shiny berries that start out green and turn purple to black. 这种植物也很漂亮。它有着星形的叶片和先绿再紫最终变成黑色的闪亮亮的浆果。

But every part of it is poisonous. 但是它的每个部分都有毒。