Other names for belladonna include devil's herb and deadly nightshade. 颠茄的其他名称还包括魔鬼药草和致命的茄属植物。
Yet just because something is dangerous does not always mean it is all bad. 不过,有些东西虽然危险但不意味着它总是不好的。
Belladonna and other poison plants have a long history of medical use. 颠茄和其他毒性植物有着很长的药用史。
The common or purple foxglove produces pretty flowers along a tall leafy stem called a spike. 普通或者紫色的毛地黄会沿着一个被称为穗状花序的高杆多叶茎秆开出漂亮的花朵。
Foxglove can cause heart failure. 毛地黄会引起心脏衰竭。