But they operate largely with limited resources and without trained teachers. 但它们的大规模的运作会受到资源的限制,并且缺乏资深的教师。
Education activists say the Ministry of Education rarely inspects their teaching quality, lesson notes or examination records. 教育积极分子告诉说教育部很少会检查他们的教学质量、备课情况或考试记录。
They say the presence of informal schools means that Kenya has two levels of education: 他们称眼前的非正规学校意味着在肯尼亚有两种等级的教育:
One for children from the slums, another for children from better conditions. 一种是为来自贫民窟的孩子服务的,另一种是为来自条件稍好的孩子服务的。
Activists say Kenya has at least one thousand six hundred of these non-formal schools. 教育积极分子称在肯尼亚至少有1600所非正规学校。