第 307 课:水泵项目-2

Last year the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation awarded IDE twenty-seven million dollars. 去年, 比尔和梅林达盖茨基金奖励 27000000 美元给国际发展企业。

The money is to be used to expand small irrigation projects to the other half of India's twenty-eight states. 这些钱是用于扩大印度其他 28 省的一些小的灌溉设施的。

The treadle pump is easy to build from bamboo or other wood and two metal cylinders with pistons. 这种踏板式水泵可以轻松用竹子获其他木头和两个带活塞的汽缸做成。

The pistons go up and down as a person stands on lever devices -- treadles -- and uses a natural walking motion. 这两活塞一上一下就像一个人站在一根杠杆上,即踏板,并且利用自然步行运动。

How many hours a day the pump needs to be operated depends on the season and how much water is needed for crops. 水泵一天需要工作多少小时要看在哪个季节和庄家需要多少水。