第 308 课:有趣的绰号-1

Today, we tell about more interesting nicknames of American states. 今天,我们讲述更多的关于美国各州有趣的绰号。

The mid-Atlantic state of Maryland is called the Free State. 大西洋中部马里兰州被称为自由的州。

A Baltimore newspaper first called it that during the nineteen twenties when the manufacture and sale of alcohol were banned for a time. 巴尔的摩报纸首先这样称呼它是在十九世纪二十年代,当时制造和销售酒精被禁止了一段时间。

Maryland said it wanted to be free from this prohibition. 马里兰州人表示,他们希望摆脱这一禁令。

Mississippi is The Magnolia State. 密西西比州 别名木兰花州。