第 309 课:医疗保险改革-1

President Obama is letting Congress write the details of his plan for what he calls health insurance reform. 总统奥巴马请国会制定医疗保险改革的详细计划。

Congress is now on its August break. 目前,国会仍在 8 月的第 1 个休会期。

But members have been holding what are known as town hall meetings around the country to hear reaction. 但是,国会会员目前在各地举行众所周知的市政会议,以听取民意。

And they have been getting an earful from crowds for and against the plan. 另外,他们也聆听到同意及反对该计划的大量民众的心声。

The president, at his own meetings, pointed back to the nineteen nineties. 总统在其本人(参加)的会议上回顾了 1990 年代。