第 309 课:医疗保险改革-3

But one of the first groups to support the administration was the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America. 但是,支持美国政府的第一批团体之一是 PhRMA (美国药物研究与生产者协会);

PhRMA is spending millions on advertising to support the plan. PhRMA 目前正在动用数百万美元的广告支持该计划。

The industry group has already promised to cut drug costs by eighty billion dollars over ten years. Critics want more. 这一业界团体已经承诺在未来 10 年中减少药物支出 800 亿美元。批评人士希望降低更多。

Some liberal lawmakers have proposed measures such as letting the government negotiate lower drug prices. 某些自由立法人士已提出措施,如由政府商谈更低的药品价格。

But under the PhRMA deal, the chances for additional cost-saving measures are unclear. 但是,根据 PhRMA 协议,进一步降低支出的措施,其可能性不明朗。