第 31 课:你不必成为专家-2

"Come on," she says. You do not need to be a rocket scientist to understand this." “加油。”她说,“你不必成为专家就能理解这些的。”

Or, a company that makes soap is trying to sell its product on television. 或者,生产肥皂的公司试着在电视上推广它的产品。

"You do not need to be a rocket scientist to see that our soap cleans better," the company says. “你不需要成为专家就能意识到我们的肥皂清洁效果很好。”

These words send a strong message. They say that you do not need to be extremely intelligent to understand something. 那些话传达了一个明确的信息。他们的意思是在说,你不必很特别聪明就能弄懂的。

How did the expression begin? 这种表达方式是怎样形成的呢?

No one seems to know for sure. But an official of the American space agency, NASA, says the expression just grew. 似乎也没人可以确定它的起源。但是,一位美国宇航局也就是NASA的官员说,这个表达方式也是刚刚开始的。