第 311 课:印度老家-3

Today, the organization gives money to orphanages, schools and local projects. 现今,该组织可以向孤儿院,学校和当地的组织提供金钱。

The money provides food, medicine, schoolbooks and some education. 这些钱可以买来食物、课本和各种教育。

The work is centered in Kolkata, Hyderabad and Kerala province. 这项工作的中心省份在加尔各答,海德拉巴和喀拉拉邦。

Tanya Pinto started her project with small donations from friends and co-workers. Tanya Pinto 启动这项工程之处只能得到她的朋友和同事的捐赠。

Today, Baal Dan has other financial supporters in the United States. 现今,Baal Dan 在美国获得了其他一些经济支持者。