第 311 课:印度老家-4

People organize events to raise money. 人们组织一些活动来筹备资金。

A restaurant in Dallas donates money whenever anyone orders "Tacos for a Cause." 达拉斯的一家宾馆每当有人声称Tacos for a Cause时,它都会捐款。

In the next several years, Tanya Pinto hopes to begin sponsoring an orphanage. 在未来的几年里,Tanya Pinto 希望重新建一个孤儿院。

She visits India as often as she can while working full-time at the advertising company. 她在广告公司工作之余会尽可能多的去印度走走。

Her last trip was in May. 她下次去印度的时间在五月。