第 312 课:美国各州别名-6

North Dakota gets its nickname, "The Flickertail State" not from some bird, but from a little squirrel. 北达科他州不是从某种鸟那获得“金花鼠州”这个别名,而是从一个小松鼠。

South Dakota takes its nickname, "The Coyote State," from an animal that thinks flickertails are good to eat! 南达科他州从一种认为金花鼠很好吃的动物而获得“山狗之州”这个别名的。

And Oregon, "The Beaver State," borrows its nickname from the large, flat-tailed rodent that uses trees to build dams. 俄勒冈州,也成为河狸之州,从一种用树木建大坝的大尾巴啮齿动物得来的。

Next week, we will tell you about more state nicknames, including one that is about people's feet! 下周,我们将告诉你跟多州的别名,包括一个关于人脚的。