Untrained teachers could be less likely to recognize unsafe conditions. 但是未经训练的教师不太可能会意识到不安全的情况。
Cheryl Richardson also points to one of the study's findings -- that injuries are often the result of contact with a person or a structure. Cheryl Richardson 也指出,一项调查发现——那就是受伤总是是与人或设施相牵连的结果。
This tells her that the teachers were not giving each student enough space to move around safely. 这向她表明了教师们没有给予每个学生足够的空间,以使他们安全活动。
Six activities produced seventy percent of all injuries: running, basketball, football, volleyball, soccer and gymnastics. 6 项活动构成了所有受伤事件中 70% 的比例,它们是:跑步,篮球,足球,排球,橄榄球和体操。