第 315 课:传染性疾病-1

Two new discoveries could offer easier ways to identify infectious diseases in developing countries. 两个新发现为发展中国家提供了确诊传染性疾病的简易方法。

The first involves sheep. Researchers have found that hair sheep are a good source of blood for use in tests to diagnose infectious diseases in people. 第一个新发现与羊有关,研究人员发现无绒毛羊的血液为诊断人类传染性疾病的试验提供了好的方法。

In developed countries, microbiologists do these tests with blood from wool sheep or horses. 在发达国家,微生物学家做这些试验时用的是毛用羊或是毛用马的血液;

But for developing countries, that costs too much. So tests often use human blood instead. 但是对于发展中国家来说,这可价格不菲,因此常用人血来代替。

Ellen Yeh from the Stanford University School of Medicine in California was one of the authors of the study. 埃伦 YEH 来自加州斯坦福大学医学院,是该研究项目的研究人员之一。