第 318 课:有关泳衣-1

Swimmers broke many records this week at the world championships in Rome. 本周在罗马举行的世锦赛上,游泳选手打破了多项世界纪录。

But there was the swimsuit issue. 但是关于泳衣却出现了争议。

FINA is the group that governs swimming. FINA是游泳管理部门。

On Tuesday, its officers accepted a decision by FINA members to ban high-tech swimsuits next year. 周二,FINA成员决定从明年开始,禁止使用高科技泳衣。FINA官员接受了这一决定。

Full-body suits first appeared in the two thousand Summer Olympics. 全身泳衣于2000年夏季奥运会上首次亮相。