第 32 课:迈克尔杰克逊-5

He was childlike. But in nineteen ninety-three, a thirteen-year-old boy accused him of child molestation. 他天真无邪,但是1993年一个13岁男孩控告他猥亵儿童。

The case was settled out of court. Later, another accusation led to a criminal trial. But four years ago this month a jury cleared him of all charges. 案件最后庭外和解。不久之后,又一起控诉导致刑事审判,但四年前的这个月的时候,陪审团撤销了所有指控。

Michael Jackson left his mark on popular culture. His music, his videos. His dance moves and moonwalking. The hand in a sequined white glove. 迈克尔杰克逊在流行文化上留下了自己的烙印。他的音乐,他的影像,他的舞姿和太空漫步,戴着有金属饰物的白手套。

The father of three was even married for a time to Elvis Presley's daughter. 身为三个孩子的父亲,他甚至和猫王的女儿有过一段婚姻。

Now, he leaves behind family, friends and fans to mourn his death. 而今,他留下家人、朋友和粉丝一起去哀悼他的死亡。

In a sad way he did make a comeback. His death has pushed sales of his music back to the top of the charts again. 他的确卷土重来了,只不过是一个可悲的方式,他的死亡是促使他的音乐再次回到榜单最高位。