第 324 课:医疗体系改革-3

One proposal is to offer the choice of a government insurance plan that would compete with private insurers. 其中一个提议是提供政府保险计划选择,与私人保险公司竞争。

Another proposal is to require employers with more than twenty-five workers to offer insurance or pay a penalty. 另外一个提议是要求员工超过25人的雇主提供保险或缴纳罚款。

Also, insurance companies could no longer deny coverage to people who are already sick. 同时,保险公司不能拒绝已经生病的人参保。

President Obama wants to expand health coverage to all Americans and, at the same time, control costs. 奥巴马总统希望将医疗保险覆盖到全部美国人,同时,控制成本。

This week he completed six months in office. 本周,奥巴马总统已在白宫执政六个月。