第 324 课:医疗体系改革-4

He held a nationally broadcast news conference Wednesday night that centered on health care. 周三晚,奥巴马针对医疗保健问题举行了全国广播新闻发布会。

Why the hurry to pass a bill? 他为什么着急通过法案呢?

But the president faces resistance over the price of his plan, which could cost a trillion dollars over ten years. 但是,奥巴马面临人们对该计划成本的反抗。该计划在十年之内将耗费1兆美元。

Also, opponents say the government might restrict people's health care. 同时,反对者称,政府可能会限制人们的医疗护理。

The president says the goal is for patients to get the best care, not just the most expensive care. 奥巴马说,该计划的目的是让病人获得最好而不是最贵的护理。