第 324 课:医疗体系改革-5

And he says it can all be done without adding to the federal budget deficit. 他说,这些完全可以在不增加联邦预算赤字的情况下完成。

He says about two-thirds of the cost can be paid for with money that is currently being "wasted," he says, in federal health care programs. 他说,大约三分之二的费用可以用现在医疗保健计划中被“浪费”的资金来支付。

Congress will have to decide how to finance the remaining costs. 国会将决定怎样为剩余的费用提供资金。

But the president says he will not let health reform be paid for -- in his words -- "on the backs of middle-class families." 但是奥巴马总统说,他不会“依靠增加中产阶级的费用”来进行医疗改革。

Higher-earning families are another issue. 高收入家庭是另外一个问题。