第 324 课:医疗体系改革-6

Proposals to raise their taxes to help pay for the plan face objections, and not just from the Republican minority in Congress. 增加高收入人群的税收来支付该计划费用的提案遭到不仅来自国会共和党的反对。

Critics include House Democrats newly elected from wealthier communities. 由富人社区新当选的众议院民主党人士也提出批判。

And they include the Blue Dogs, a fifteen-year-old coalition of moderate and conservative Democrats in the House of Representatives. 其中包括Blue Dogs,众议院温和派和保守派民主党人的联盟。

Opinion polls show that the majority of Americans want health reform. 民意调查显示,大多数美国人希望进行医疗改革。