第 325 课:原住居民-2

Professor King says loss of culture, land and language all play a part in poor health. 金教授说,文化、土地以及语言的丧失都对健康缺失起到了一部分的作用。

Having an identity, he says, is especially important for mental health. 他说,身份感的明确对于精神健康特别重要。

For example, many indigenous children in Canada were taken from their families and sent to live at schools. 例如,加拿大的很多原住民儿童被带离家庭送去住校。

They were educated in the European system. 他们受到了欧洲体系的教育。

So they never had a normal chance to develop a cultural identity. 所以他们没有正常的机会去发展(自己的)文化认同。