In Senegal , some people receive medical coverage from large employers. 在塞内加尔,一些人能从大的雇主那里得到医疗保险。
Some buy their own insurance. 还有一些人自己买保险。
But most Senegalese are uninsured, especially the poor -- a common story across Africa and elsewhere. 但大部分的塞内加尔人都没有保险,特别是穷人,这在非洲及其它一些地方是一个非常普遍的问题。
If they get injured or sick, they must somehow pay the costs themselves, or go untreated. 万一他们受伤或生病了,他们必须自支付医疗费或不去医院治疗。
The lack of health insurance is greatest among workers who deal in the informal cash economy. 在从事一些非正式的小本买卖的人中绝大部分没有健康保险。