第 327 课:医疗保险-4

Oulimatta Tigerre is an independent businesswoman. Oulimatta Tigerre 是一个很自立的商业女性。

She sells vegetables and dried fish at a small wooden stand on a dirt road near Dakar , Senegal 's capital. 她在位于塞内加尔的首都达喀尔附近的小木屋里卖蔬菜和干鱼。

Her husband has been unemployed, and she worried that they could not pay the family's medical bills. 她的丈夫已经下岗,她很担心她不能支付家里的医疗开支。

Then she joined the credit union. 因此她就加入了该信贷联盟。

The health insurance costs two dollars a month for her family of five. 该健康保险使这个五口之家每月能得到两美元。

She got sick while she was pregnant. 在她怀孕时她生病了。