Sod can also be placed over existing grass. The grass will die and become fertilizer for the sod. 草坪会被铺设在原有的青草之上,这些原有的青草会死亡并且为新的草坪提供肥料。
After sod is in place, it needs to be pressed down firmly. 在草坪被铺设到位后,应该牢牢地把它按下去。
This will remove air pockets and help the sod make contact with the ground and take root. 这样能够去除气穴(空隙 / 间隙中夹着的空气)并且使得草坪和泥土紧密连接并扎根于此。
A water-filled drum called a sod roller can be used. 完成上述工作可以选择使用草坪滚压机。
Sod can grow at times and in places where growing grass from seed is difficult. 有时,草坪可以生存于那些很难从种子开始成长为青草的地方。