第 328 课:铺设道路-6

But sod can also have problems, especially if it was not very fresh. 但是草坪自身存在一些问题,特别是在它本身就不是很新鲜的时候更是如此。

Newly laid sod needs water -- lots of water. It can quickly become dry. 它们会很快变地干枯,新铺设的草坪需要浇大量的水,

It will need water two times a day for at least three months. 在至少 3 个月的时间里每天浇水2 次。

Sod should also be fertilized. And it should be treated with limestone if the soil is acidic. 还需要施肥。如果土壤是酸性的话,草坪还面临着石灰岩的威胁。

Sod can be cut to fit a space. 草坪可以根据空间的大小的需要来进行剪裁。