第 330 课:最早的造纸术-1

The earliest process of making paper was done almost five thousand years ago in Egypt and the Nile Valley. 最早的造纸术始于 5000 年前的埃及和尼罗河流域。

In those days, paper was made from strips of the papyrus plant. 在那个时期,纸张是由狭长条状的纸莎草植物做成的。

Modern paper-making began in China about two thousand years ago. 近代的造纸术始于 2000 年前的中国。

This process produced paper from cloth, straw, wood or the bark of trees. 是用布料,麦秆,木头或树皮来进行造纸。

The raw materials are truck over and over until they become loose. 这些原材被反复翻滚,直至变得松软。