第 332 课:升迁员工-1

The United States Supreme Court began its summer break this week. 本周,美国最高法院开始放暑假 (/ 夏休 ) 。

One of the last decisions of its term will likely cause employers to take greater care in how they choose workers to promote. 最高法院的最后裁决之一可能会促使雇主更加关注升迁员工的选择方式。

The case involved tests that the city of New Haven, Connecticut, gave to firefighters in two thousand three. 这一案件是 2003 年康涅狄格州纽黑文市消防队员的考试。

Minorities were heavily involved in the testing process because of disputes over earlier examinations. 由于此前考试的争议,少数民族与这一考试程序密切相关。

But the only firefighters who qualified for immediate promotion to lieutenant or captain were whites and two Hispanics, no blacks. 但是,有资格立即升迁为中尉或队长的消防队员只有白人及二名拉美裔人,而没有黑人。