第 332 课:升迁员工-4

Writing for the dissenters, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg said the white firefighters who scored high "understandably attract this Court's sympathy." 鲁丝 .巴德 . 金斯伯格提出了反对意见,她说,得分高的白人消防队员“自然获得最高法院的同情。”

But, she said, they had no right to a promotion. 但是,她说,他们没有升迁的权利。

The majority found that the city failed to prove a disparate impact violation. 多票造成者发现,纽黑文市无法证明违犯了差别性影响。

But the court did not rule on the constitutionality of the provision itself. 但是,最高法院没有就这一条款的合宪性作出裁决。

Still, Kevin Russell, a lawyer who specializes in Supreme Court cases, says the ruling puts all employers to a task. 专门从事于最高法院案件的律师凯文.拉塞尔仍然认为,这一裁决使所有雇主为难。