第 333 课:红十字会运动-1

The International Red Cross Movement grew out of a major battle in the unification of Italy. 国际红十字会运动起因于意大利统一战争的一场主要战役。

The Battle of Solferino took place one hundred fifty years ago, in June of eighteen fifty-nine. 索浮里奥战役发生在一百五十年前,即一八五九年六月。

This past week, volunteers from Red Cross and Red Crescent societies around the world gathered in Solferino to mark the anniversary. 上周,来自世界各地红十字会及红新月协会的志愿者齐集索浮里奥进行纪念活动。

About eight thousand people marched in a torch-lit event called the Fiaccolata. 约八千人参加了称谓“ Fiaccolata ”的手持火炬行军活动。

They followed in the footsteps of those who took injured soldiers from Solferino to the nearest village, Castiglione. 他们沿着那些曾经把受伤士兵从索浮里奥抬往最近村庄卡斯第里欧尼的人们的足迹行进。