第 333 课:红十字会运动-2

Hannigton Segarunaya, national youth president of the Ugandan Red Cross Society, says the visit made him want to work harder to help people. 乌干达红十字会的国家青年会长 Hannigton Segarunaya 称,这次参观使他很想为帮助民众而努力工作。

In the battle, allied French and Sardinian troops defeated the Austrian army. 在那次战役中,法国和撒丁尼亚盟军抵抗奥地利军队。

Around six thousand men were killed and more than thirty thousand were wounded. 约有六千人阵亡并有三万多人受伤。

Yet, says Swiss historian Francois Bugnion, the battle lasted only twelve hours. 然而,瑞士历史学家 Francois Bugnion 说,这场战役仅持续了十二个小时。

He says a Swiss businessman named Henri Dunant was horrified by what he saw. 他说,名为 Henri Dunant 的瑞士商人被他所见到的吓得毛骨悚然。