第 333 课:红十字会运动-3

He says Henri Dunant quickly took action. 他说, Henri Dunant 快速采取行动。

The businessman got local women to provide food and water. 这个商人让本地妇女提供食品和水。

He also got them to dress the wounds of soldiers without concern for their nationality. 他还让他们不要考虑国籍为士兵包扎伤口。

Dunant later wrote a book called "A Memory of Solferino." Dunant 后来写了本书,名为《索浮里奥回忆录》。

In it, he launched two ideas. One was the idea of voluntary relief societies to provide assistance to the wounded or other people. 书中,他提出了两个主意,其中之一就是为伤员或其它民众提供援助的自愿救援协会。