第 333 课:红十字会运动-4

This led to the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. 这个主意生产了红十字会和红新月会。

The second idea was a treaty protecting the wounded and medical personnel on the field of battle. 第二个主意是,战场上保护伤员及医疗人员的条约,历史学家 Francois Bugnion 解释说。

This, explains historian Francois Bugnion, is the origin of the Geneva Conventions. 这个主意就是原始的日内瓦公约。

Stephen Ryan is the communications officer for youth and volunteers at the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. Stephen Ryan 在联合国红十字会和红新月会是青年及志愿者通信官员。

He says it is important to get young people involved in volunteer work at an early age. 他说,在很早的那个时代让年轻人去承担志愿者工作是十分重要的。