第 334 课:留学毕业生-2

It included conditions against foreign workers displacing qualified Americans at companies that receive federal stimulus money. 它包括拿了联邦政府刺激资金的那些公司中合格的美国人被外国工作者替代这样的情形。。

Job cuts have slowed in some industries. 在某些行业,就业机会削减速度已经放慢,

But the economic downturn has cost millions of jobs and recovery will take some time. 但经济衰退已经导致了成百万人的失业而恢复尚需时日。

Foreign graduates need a job offer to get an H-1B visa. 需要工作机会的留学毕业生要获得 H-1B 签证。

This is a non-immigrant visa for work in the person's area of specialty. 这是一种非移民签证,用于该人员在其专业领域工作。