第 334 课:留学毕业生-4

Sixty-five thousand H-1Bs are awarded each year to graduates with a bachelor's degree. 每年有六万五千个 H-1B 签证授予那些具有学士学位的毕业生。

Bill Wright at the Department of Homeland Security says fewer than forty-five thousand applications for these visas had been received as of this week. 国土安全部的 Bill Wright 称,至本周,已经收到四万五千份对这种签证的申请。

There was more demand for twenty thousand other H-1Bs for those with advanced degrees. 对那些为具有更高学历者提供的 H-1B 签证有二万份,而需求的人则更多。

In addition, thousands of the visas are awarded to other groups, such as university researchers. 另外,那其中数千份是授予其它团体的,比如大学的研究学者。

Amy Ramirez is an administrator at Johns Hopkins University in Maryland. Amy Ramirez 是位于马里兰的约翰 · 霍普金斯大学负责人。