第 340 课:改良土壤-2

Composting can reduce the amount of garden and cooking waste that would otherwise go into public landfills. 这样能减少一定量的生活垃圾,否则这些就成为的公共垃圾。

Monica David from the University of Illinois Extension oversees the master gardeners program in her state. 伊利诺斯大学服务部的 Monica David是负责监督本州的园艺项目的主管。

She explains that you can make a compost pile or dig a pit or use a waste container with holes cut in the side. 她建议你应该有一个混合肥料堆或者挖一个小坑,或是用一个四围留有小口的垃圾箱。

There are different methods of composting. Some take more work. 堆积混合肥料的方法各异,有些麻烦。

Others take almost no work but may require waiting up to a year. 但简单的必须等上一年。