第 340 课:改良土壤-3

Advice about composting can be found from extension services, at garden centers, in books and on the Internet. 堆积混合肥料的方法可以在书本上和因特网上的菜园服务推广中心找到。

For example, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation lists some dos and don'ts of composting on its Web site: 例如,纽约的环保部门在自己网站上发布一些堆积混合肥料的要点和禁忌。

Do add lime, small amounts of wood ashes or crushed eggshells to the compost pile. 给混合肥料堆加点石灰、少量的草木灰或压碎的鸡蛋壳。

This will neutralize acids which may form and cause a bad smell. 就能消除它产生难闻的酸嗅。

Do mix grass cuttings with other wastes to loosen them up. 用其它的废料和弄碎的青草混合使之蓬松。