第 340 课:改良土壤-4

And do keep the compost pile damp, especially during dry periods. 尤其是在旱季应保持肥堆潮湿。

Do not use unfinished compost. It will rob plants of nitrogen instead of acting as a fertilizer. 勿用没加工成的混合肥,它不仅不给作物供给营养而且和它抢夺氮素。

Do not compost weedy plants with lots of seeds. 不堆积多籽的杂草。

Some seeds will not be killed during the natural heating process in composting. 堆积混合中自然的增温不能杀死一些草种。

Do not add meat, fish bones or fatty food wastes to the compost mixture. 不要把肉类、鱼骨或油腻的剩饭倒入堆肥混合物。

Protein materials do not readily decompose and they will bring animals. 蛋白质类不会轻易腐烂反而招引动物而带来危害。