第 342 课:停止抗议-1

Iran's top leader has demanded a stop to protests over the disputed presidential election. 伊朗高级领导人要求停止抗议这次有争议不断的总统选举进行

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei spoke at Tehran University to a huge crowd for Friday prayers. 星期五祈祷会那天,哈梅内伊在德黑兰大学向熙攘人群发表演讲。

It was his first speech since last Friday's election. 这是他自上次周五选举后第一次演讲。

"The result of the election comes from the ballot box," he said, "not from the street." 他说,“选举的结果出自于投票箱,而不是街道”

The supreme leader warned that if the unrest continues, protest leaders will be held responsible for any violence. 最高领导人警告,如果目前动荡的局势仍然继续,抗议者领导人将会因任何暴力事件而被追究责任。